Saturday, January 10, 2009

Racism Abounds Among Animal Rights Groups.

Just don't tell them or they'll act like you're just distracting from the "bigger" issue.

I figure I may as well use this opportunity to vent about the comments on this blog post. Most notable is Cathy's opinion (since that IS what I read the blog for). One day she doesn't know enough about Native American tribes to even know how to approach them with an issue, and the next she's got a solution to all their problems: Assimilation!

(Bunky Echo Hawk Fine Art/

All right, Cathy, well your opinion on social policy is duly noted. I'm going to stick with respecting your opinions on horses, and only horses, however. Since that is the area in which you are an expert. Complex social issues, not so much. Indeed, I'm a bit disgusted with the way you pointed to Browneyedcowgirl as an example of a good horseman. Good horse owner she may be, but she is the most racist little cowgirl on the whole forum! She is not the stellar example to which you should direct us!

And FYI, Brown-Eyed Cowgirl, just because you're one yourself, it doesn't make it OK to categorically despise other Native Americans. It doesn't give your racism credibility, either. You are being hateful and malignant just like everyone else.

As is evidenced by some of the other comments, there are Native Americans who are proud of their culture, and who draw upon it to positive ends. Who are you to tell them to "assimilate already"?

This type of discussion may "distract from the horses," but some of those people clearly need someone to tell them their bigotry is not OK. It was their flagrant comments that distracted me in the first place. They need to stop hiding behind their desire to help the horses as though that excuses their ignorant opinions.

OK, so I would post that on the comments, except I'm too late. The conversation is already petering out. Most likely, someone already said something similar, anyway.

For someone with such a rigid morality concerning animal abuse, Cathy sure can be rather lax in her approach to human issues. But then, racism is not a topic that is easy to discuss for people who like the world to be black-and-white.

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